Saturday, September 29, 2012


After weeks and weeks of begging, whining, whimpering, and being all rat-like, Timothy finally convinced me to drive him to the Kenosha Festival of Cartooning yesterday...  I don't have a photo of him at the festival, but here's a shot of him at a bowling alley in Lombard, for those of you who haven't met him yet:

Handsome, isn't he?

Anyway, I wasn't able to make it to the festival myself (rats!), so I had Timothy remember everything he could for me with that short attention span of his...  he got to see presentations by Greg Cravens and Hilary Price and he learned a lot about cartooning/comic-stripping (which is kinda dumb- I'm the cartoonist, not him), and took some pictures in the "More Than Funny" exhibit at the Kenosha Public Museum.  What's more, he even brought home some souvenirs for me!

So... lookie here!  Two gifts from Greg Cravens...  The first one was an original Buckets strip, which is hanging proudly (and sloppily*) on my bedroom wall!

 *and by "sloppily" I'm talking about the way I hung it up, not the way it was drawn

But even better, Timothy got Mr. Cravens to doodle in my sketchbook!  Pretty awesome, right?  I mean, it's not very often you can draw in the notebook of someone as famous as me!!!.... oh wait... no... uh no, that's not right... oh yeah, I meant- it's not very often you can get an awesome cartoonist like Greg Cravens to draw one of your characters!

(It took me a while to wrestle this from Timothy, though... I think he thought it was for him)

So... Timothy said he had a blast!!!  Which is... pretty unfortunate for me because it means I'll HAVE to drive him again next year or else he'll have a fit...  And I'm also worried that he'll become a better artist than me if he keeps going to these things...  But until then, the I'm a Dillo! gang is all safe at home!  (And by the way, they're coming back to GoComics really soon!)

Oh wait, one last thing!  This wouldn't be a "Greg Trail Arts" post without some art from Greg Trail!  And so, I give you... "How to Get to Wendy's from the Kenosha Public Museum"!