Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I'm a Dillo! Week 2A

Hello again!  This is Greg and welcome to I'm a Dillo! Week 2A!

I will be separating most of the weeks into two parts, rather than uploading six strips at a time, because I think it's kinda overwhelming to have six full strips on a single page.  I guess I kinda like having my comics in bite-sized bits, if you will. :)

Anyway, here's the first "bit" of Week 2!

Monday 2

 Tuesday 2

 Wednesday 2

 Thursday 2

Friday, April 13, 2012

I'm a Dillo! Week One

Hello everyone, and welcome to the first installment of I'm a Dillo!

I've been drawing this comic strip for a few months now, but I haven't gotten very far, and I'm sure this blog will catch up to my current comics very very quickly.  But I normally won't be posting very often.

Even though my drawing schedule is very irregular, I want to try to release my strips in an organized way.  I have been planning my comics in groups of six, as that is the number of daily strips a newspaper cartoonist would have to release every week, excluding the larger Sunday strips.  Thus, I will be posting strips in six-day packages to imitate a weekly schedule (even though it takes me much longer than a week to produce six comics).

Anyway, please enjoy this first addition of I'm a Dillo!

Monday 1

Tuesday 1

Wednesday 1

Thursday 1

Friday 1

Saturday 1